BofA Global Research has placed No. 1 in Institutional Investor’s 2023 global ranking of the top equity research providers, earning 182 total team positions across II’s 2023 equity team surveys. This is the latest in a series of top accolades the firm received in 2023, including achieving No. 1 positions in Institutional Investor’s All-America Equity survey as well as its Developed Europe and Emerging Europe, Middle East & Africa surveys.
“Our ranking as top Global Equity Research firm is the result of our team’s unwavering focus on the needs of our clients,” said Vikram Sahu, head of Global Equity Research for BofA Securities. “We strive to provide timely, thematic, and transactional research for investors by drawing on our global footprint, the industry expertise of analysts and a culture of collaboration across regions and product disciplines.”
In addition to being named the No. 1 Global Equity Research provider for 2023, BofA Global Research also ranked No. 2 in the Global Fixed-Income survey and was named No. 2 Global Research provider for 2023.
Institutional Investor surveys
Institutional Investor magazine announced BofA Global Research as the Top Global Equity Research Provider for 2023 based on surveys held from late 2022 through late 2023:
- All-America Research Providers: polling period May/June 2023, results announced October 2023
- Asia (ex-Japan) Research Providers: polling period January/February 2023; results announced May 2023
- China Research Providers: polling period August/September 2023, results announced January 2024
- Developed Europe Research Providers: polling period April/May 2023; results announced September 2023
- Emerging Europe, Middle East & Africa Research Providers: polling period April/May 2023; results announced September 2023
- Japan Research Providers: polling period November/December 2022; results announced March 2023
- Latin America Research Providers: polling period February/March 2023; results announced July 2023
Institutional Investor creates rankings of the top research analysts in a wide variety of specializations, drawn from the choices of portfolio managers and other investment professionals at more than 1,000 firms. BofA Global Research is research produced by BofA Securities, Inc (“BofAS”) and/or one or more of its affiliates. BofAS is a registered broker-dealer, Member SIPC, and wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation. Learn more about the methodology at Institutional Investor. Rankings and recognition from Institutional Investor are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a current or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance results and such rankings should not be construed as an endorsement. Compensation was not provided by BofA Global Research or any analysts in exchange for the award.